Affiliate marketing can be a huge money making business for beginners.

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No surprises there. Affiliate advertising has actually been shown throughout the years to be an extremely viable business opportunity. Like anything in life, an upside is typically coupled with a drawback. The low cost to get started allows everybody to have a chance at success.  However, 90 percent of individuals which register for a ClickBank account have no prior knowledge or training. What divides the 10 percent from the 90 percent?
Below are 5 tips to raise your game and stand out above the crowd.

Learn from the Experts:

Among the faster ways to success is to imitate the methods utilized by effective people. Look for the heavyweight players, the top sellers and get on their radar. Review their marketing and training programs especially those for beginners. Sign up if its affordable, if not you can still learn a great deal by registering for their free webinars and get on their e-mail list.  Check out their website and read their posts.  Follow them on social media and interact with questions and comments where you can.


When beginning this journey you will find many directions to follow and it can be all too easy to get side-tracked by the latest sales promotion. It’s so easy to get excited about the next best promotion or opportunity especially when the costs can be so low. Try not to jump around and keep your focus tight. Finish what you started as having several projects on the go can quickly be overwhelming and you will be discouraged to keep going. Concentrate on one web site traffic generation strategy at a time, master it, then continue to the next level.


Having a social presence is important and will allow a vender to quickly check you out that you are active in the community.  Sellers want you to be successful because that means you will sell lots of their products.  Recognizing the top players will permit you to capitalize upon their success and achieve your objectives a lot quicker. New affiliate marketing beginners should sign up to marketing forums such as in addition to; contribute where you can.  Attend conventions if appropriate to build your networking connections.

Promote just top quality products:

Build trust with your list by adding value. Choose the affiliate products to promote carefully and ideally check them out first.  You can add value by making your own review video or post. Consider providing free reports and information with no affiliate links as opposed to spamming your list with every offer that comes along. Think how the ‘new product’ can be used and describe a solution to a problem. Transparency is extremely important so if you promote poor products your unsubscribe rates will start to jump up!

Pick a lucrative niche from the start:

Affiliate beginners first task must be to identify lucrative niches.  No matter how good your sales pitch might be if its not what buyers want you’ll have no sales. There are many tools available for niche research and I’m going to give you a head start by offering you my free hot niche report. You can’t go far wrong by sticking with these three massive marketing niches – Health, Fitness, and Making Money.

So, paying attention to these 5 concepts should pay dividends in the long run, and your opportunity of succeeding will be greater for it.