The Copywriters Guide

The Copywriters Guide

See inside the copywriters mind. Have you heard of the term: “Copywriting”? Wikipedia defines it as: “Copywriting is the use of words and ideas to promote a person, business, opinion or idea. Although the word copy may be applied to any content intended for printing...
Writing Effective Ads – USP Explained

Writing Effective Ads – USP Explained

The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Also known as the unique selling position, the USP is often one of the most oft-misunderstood elements of a good sales letter. It‘s what separates your product or service from your competitors. Let‘s take a quick look at some...
Zero Cost Traffic Tactics

Zero Cost Traffic Tactics

When you have a website, the most important factor in whether or not you are successful – whether your website is trying to sell something or simply trying to get followers and readership – is how much traffic you have. Traffic is important because it helps you to...
Hot Niche Trends to Exploit

Hot Niche Trends to Exploit

Five Standard Hot Niches Knowing what hot niches to market has become especially important to generate income. Some people may suggest that the entire marketing landscape has been turned upside down and that old, popular niches are no longer the bestsellers they once...
Marketing Tools and Techniques

Marketing Tools and Techniques

Having a website provides you direct accessibility to a huge 1.5 billion net customers globally. The problem is that just having a site, doesn’t imply you’re reaching your global audience, or more significantly your target market. There are many tools you...